It has been truly a blessing to become part of CHOICE family. CHOICE is one of the most humble religion based-community i've ever met and for that reason every activity in CHOICE truly helps me to serve God better. Weekend CHOICE really help each one of us to explore our being as God's creation, to nurture our soul, embrace our flaws, and celebrate life by do good; to choose our path and best way to serve God. That's why, we at CHOICE can be as comfortable as we want to just be ourselves. CHOICE is indeed a place where you can grow.
mencintai, &
Apa hal terbaik yang bisa kita lakukan
di sepanjang hidup kita?
Datang tidak saling mengenal,
pulang sebagai satu keluarga.
Weekend yang hanya sekali seumur hidup, dimana muda mudi dewasa menemukan makna hidup yang sebenarnya.